Typography in the news

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This picture comes from Worthington Libraries specifically from their database of historical New York Times articles. On this specific database on their website they “offer comprehensive digital coverage of the New York Times back to 1851.” according to their website they also ” provide instant access to news about events such as the American Civil War, the Civil Rights Movement, the Women’s Rights Movement, the Vietnam War and the turn of the millennium.” They also provide databases for other categories like history, biography and genealogy, and newspaper and magazine articles.

As for The New York Times according to Wikipedia (mostly because I couldn’t find a direct description of them on their website) “The New York Times is an American newspaper based in New York City with worldwide influence and readership. Founded in 1851.”

Image result for the new york times

This first type used in the image (the one for their logo still used today) Is similar to a old English Black letter font due to its angular looking script design although the font itself is custom to The New York Times themselves. This font has been kept relatively the same since the companies conception and at the time of its emergence this title font was probably much more common. I feel them keeping this font until today means they want to convey that they have been around for awhile and therefore must be a reliable news source.

The second font they use for the text Men Walk on Moon is much more of a modern style. I feel this font was used to grab as much attention as possible while also maintaining a clean consistent look. This font has changed since the companies original conception possibly to grab more readers attention

In conclusion The New York Times uses a combination of black letter and modern fonts to convey an older style of newspaper that’s been around for a while but also grabs your attention enough to be interesting.


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