Creating my Logo Mojo

This is me next to the Grand Canyon. This picture is representative of me because I love the outdoors and sight-seeing.

This is me dressed up as the Incredible Hulk for Halloween as a kid. This picture represents me because i love comic book characters. When i was a kid i loved the movies and loved dressing up as one of my favorite characters at the time.

This picture is from a project i did for school in elementary. This picture shows me in a position I often find myself in, rushing to get a school project done to save my grade…

This picture is also the inspiration for my profile picture.


-One of my favorite things to do is hiking. Most vacations my family has been on we have gone hiking in some pretty cool locations; Yellowstone National Park, Oregon, and soon Hawaii

-Other interests for me include movies, comic books, TV shows, and pretty much anything that has an interesting story.

Logos of things i enjoy

  Image result for marvel

Image result for red robin

Image result for gold's gym

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